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🤔Did 2020 whoop yal tail too or nah? Whooo chile It’s been rough😩! If 2020 also got the best of your fitness goals? 🤷🏽‍♀️you’re not alone babe! This has by far been the toughest year we’ve experienced since being in business and we definitely had the weight gain to show it! Definitely not what we planned for 2020, but it is what it is. We refocused instead & didn’t get to down about it. 2020 has been a spiritual journey as well for us. Our Faith has been tested throughout this year ,but we made it🙌🏽. The Body Fix is still standing! We had to remember our “why” & focus on that as much as possible. For us , we focused on you guys ,our health &  fam. Taking one day at a time & one foot in front of the other.  Proud to say that we’ve lost just about all  the COVID pounds gained! Try these suggestions & take a look at these awesome articles to help you get back on track! Our thoughts & prayers go out to all who have been impacted by COVID🙏🏽.

We’ve got this Bodied Babe!

Hang in there!

❤️xoxo -The Body Fix Crew

  1. Pray-Talk to God, Meditate & Refocus on You babe. You can do this during yoga 🧘🏾‍♀️, in a quiet place, prayer closet , in nature etc. We center our weight loss & spiritual journey around GOD. This has by far been the most effective part of our weight loss journey thus far.
  2. Plan- 💦 WATER•It’s a must that we stay hydrated. Proper hydration improves better sleep, weight loss, digestion, energy & mood. Keep your water handy at all times! MEAL PREP•Prep those healthy meals Bodied Babe! What we eat can effect our moods. Be sure to limit processed foods, sugars & dairy. Increase your water intake and be sure to eat fresh veggies & fruit  with each meal. EXERCISE •Plan your workouts and push yourself to do them even when you don’t feel like it. When we workout we release endorphins. They help us feel better! 🗣we definitely need to feel better right now🤗. Suck it up & do the workout Babe🏃🏾‍♀️. 😉promise you’ll feel better! 🤔No time ? Make time 🙃. 🤔If you get sick or worse none of that stuff will get done anyway. Wake up earlier to workout, workout on your lunch break, dance or workout with your kids, go for a brisk walk, use our resistance bands at home, do you tube workouts in the bathroom(hide from the kids🤷🏽‍♀️😂) & on commercial breaks. Whatever it takes, just move! Try not to make excuses and choose life. Better choices are essential right now even if you are dealing with health issues that leave you tired, try anyway & know that we’ve been there🙏🏽. Our CEO has Hashimotos & PCOS so we definitely understand. Having any auto immune illness will have you feeling tired at times. Try our  Bodied Brew to offset the symptoms, keep up with your lab work & talk to your doc about your current goals and the difficulties you have  with energy. Check out these articles for more tips: •




3.Take your vitamins & supplements! A great multi vitamin goes a long way! Check with your healthcare provider to see which is best for you! If you deal with inflammation or joint discomfort take a look at Turmeric supplements. If you need energy, better sleep improved digestion, & more try our Bodied Brew. Taste great and it definitely keeps your tummy bloat free & happy!
4. Journal- 📓 write it down Bodied Babe ✏️ , use ASL, rap it out 🤗whatever you need to do ...just get it out of your head. All the negative, all the worries, etc write it down and let it go. Stress & BS will weigh you down, literally! It’s not worth it Sis. Journal, Pray on it & Keep it Moving!

5.Consistency/ Habits- try to break any bad habits that you’ve reverted back to this year. Tackling one habit at a time is most effective. This article will help you identify triggers & the best response to break the bad habit:

Hope these tips help! Sign up for email notifications to read more of this blog & other tips at

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